I Will Follow You … About Me

My name is Stacy Gittleman, but people who knew me from college call me Scoop. I am a freelance writer, and most of all a mom of three.

For the past 13 years, I’ve lived in a place I never dreamed (or heard of really) which has turned out to be New York State’s best kept secret: Rochester. It is a little city with big cultural and community offerings surrounded by suburbia, lots of farmland, parks, trails — and the historic Erie Canal waterway system.

I grew up in New York City, big, crowded, the center of the Universe.

For the sake of my husband’s career (he knows, it’s all his fault), I have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, New Jersey, and then, went kicking and screaming to that Western New York city of Rochester which turned out all right in the end.

For nearly four years, I was a contributing columnist for the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle. I loved writing my column because it made people happy. I wrote about people and organizations doing good things for their community.

In 2013, because of a company move (thanks for having a job that pays the bills, hubby!) I transplanted again – to Detroit. 

Since then I’ve been a freelance writer, mostly for the Detroit Jewish News where I have won them seven Society for Professional Journalism Awards for my news and feature writing.

I’m always looking for my next story, plus I’ve tinkered with the idea of writing a book that centers on holes in the Child Protective System that allow older teens who seemingly look like they live in good homes but are suffering from neglect, abuse and family estrangement.

Got a story idea? Send it my way!

13 responses to “I Will Follow You … About Me”

  1. alfresco43 says :

    Hi Transplanted North. Just about to read your blog. Being a nice Jewish boy from the old East side of London (just about within earshot of Bow Bells) which makes me a genuine ‘Cockney’ geezer, I was drawn by the title of your blog…’What’s….’

    Halloween has only just started to become fashionable here in the UK. We have Guy Fawkes night. Our trick or treating is if you don’t come across with something, preferably hard cash or maybe something moist, we’ll come back later and firebomb your home. It usually works a treat.

    I write a fortnightly column for Taxi; but let me read on…


    • Rachel kapen says :

      Because of my dear husband Shelly who is no longer with us, we too lived in several places, including in Portsmouth, VA, during the Vietnam War, and loved them all. I wrote for the Hebrew Monthly Lamishpacha so continue doing it wherever I was. Living in different places is quite enriching.


  2. sonsothunder says :

    Fascinating…for a minute there I thought you meant you were transplanted from Israel…of course, I can see how being transplanted from the city to the North Pole could seem like worlds apart…
    Bless You


    • transplantednorth says :

      thank you for your comment and your subscription to my post. It’s not quite the north pole, but we did wake to snow this morning, but disappointingly, just a dusting. and, in my dreams, I WISH I could transplant myself to Israel : )


  3. Mom says :

    Please don’t transplant yourself any further than you are. Seven house away from us is far enough
    love M&D


  4. Mom says :

    I meant hours……


  5. auntyuta says :

    Hi, Stacy!

    ‘I grew up in New York City, big, crowded, the center of the Universe.’

    I grew up in Berlin, Germany. Peter, my husband grew up there too. We ‘transplanted’ ourselves to Australia in 1959. We like it here. We live not far away from Sydney (about two hours by car). We cannot afford to live in Sydney, not in the center, anyway, and we don’t like the outer suburbs.It’s possible that the rent in the city of Sydney is higher than the rent in New York!

    We live in a rather beautiful area south of Sydney. and own our own home. It’s altogether very different from Berlin of course. But we do not mind this. However we always like to go back for a visit to Berlin. This city has changed tremendously over the years.We still have family and friends there and want to visit there again this year.


    • transplantednorth says :

      Hi thanks for your comments. Would you like to write a guest post about one of your visits back to Berlin and talk about its changes since you grew up there? Would love to feature your writing on my blog.


  6. auntyuta says :

    Thank you kindly, Stacy. You’re very welcome to look at whatever I’m going to blog about Berlin. I’d be pleased if you could use some of it for a guest post.
    We are going to visit Berlin from September to November this year.

    We were actually over there for a visit exactly two years ago. I started blogging last year. I probably wrote a bit about Berlin in some posts. I definitely wrote quite a bit about my childhood memories.. Maybe I can go over it again and let you know. what changes I experienced. The biggest change is of course that we are 53 years older now!


    • transplantednorth says :

      that would be great if you could revisit some of those posts and put it into a new piece, and then email it to me with you bio, and why you blog. Blogging is seen as a new form of communication and it is done by newer generations. You have a unique perspective of blogging at a later age, with all due respect! What to more senior bloggers have to offer younger bloggers? Tell me about that too! Looking forward to it. You can get my email on my page Contact me.


  7. Vivian Henoch says :

    Yo, Stacy… I kinda stumbled upon you — with permission of the Jewish News– I’m running a variation of your story on the Erlich kids, Daven Downtown in the December issue of myJewishDetroit — (i’m sole writer/editor for this Federation online newsletter/journal. ) We haven’t taken on freelancers, but please let me know if you have interest in guest posting or cross posting. I keep a blog on Open Salon and on blogspot, as well . . . wildturtlecrossing.

    I too have an interest in transplants to the city — moved to Detroit 12 years ago from Cleveland.


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  1. 2010 in review | Transplantednorth's Blog - January 2, 2011

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