Mama’s Got a Brand New Bag, and I don’t care if you don’t like it

Do you remember a repeated exchange between two dogs in the Dr. Seuss book, “Go Dog Go”?

Perhaps this picture will jar your memory:

The dog wearing the very frilly hat is not insulted by the other dog’s dislike of his hat. He keeps his hat on and is not disuaded by the rejection of his silly head covering.

They agree to disagree and have a pleasant parting  exchange.



The other day, on a rare shopping outing,  in addition to buying a pair (okay, two) of much-needed black flats, I came upon the store’s purse collection.

I know that for many women, the purse is the must-have power accessory. Women may spend hundreds of dollars on a handbag and change their look at least once a season.

Me? I cashed in a gift certificate I received on my birthday a few years ago for an over the shoulder cloth handbag. Except for the occasional wedding or evening occasion, I have not changed purses in nearly three years.

I looked at the new handbag displays at this shoe retailer and then the worn straps and the bottom of my bag, which was beginning to tear. Yes, it was time for a new bag.

I chose a handbag from Sakroots.

Here it is:

I was drawn to its orange and red flowered pattern. It reminded me of wallpaper from the 1950’s. It has all the whimsy and just enough kitch for a springtime handbag.

My new bag is a bag with purpose.  Sakroots gives a portion of each purchased product to The Nature Conservancy’s Plant a Billion Trees program. The program is working to reforest the Atlantic Forest of Brazil.

But when I got my bag home, was it greeted warmly by my family?


“Eew! That’s a horrible bag,” exclaimed my daughter. “Why did you buy  that  bag?” said my daughter.

“It looks like an old granny bag. It’s so old stylish,” said my husband. This is coming from a man who still wears sweater vests to work.

On first instinct, I scrambled for my car keys and dug up the receipt, looking to return my purchase as soon as possible.

But wait. No! I liked – no – like – no  – LOVE – my quirky new handbag. Like the canine in the Dr. Seuss book, I will take the critique of those around me, but then I will move on.

So, do you like my new orange-with-red-flowered bag? I hope you do. But if not, that’s okay too. Because I do.

“Good -bye.”


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About stacylynngittleman

I have been a reporter and public relations professional for over 30 years, specializing in profile features and investigative longform writing. During my career I've profiled WWII Honor Flight Veterans, artists and musicians and have written on topics that range from environmental and gun control issues to Jewish culture. Click around on my writing samples plus read my blog on my personal life raising three kids over 27 years and three cities.

13 responses to “Mama’s Got a Brand New Bag, and I don’t care if you don’t like it”

  1. Rebecca says :

    Wear it well Scoop!


  2. Nicole Brait says :

    I don’t like your bag but I do like the fact that you kept it despite what others thought. That’s the real definition of having style and class. I also like that it supports the Plant a Billion Trees Program and am thinking, if you don’t mind, to mention the program on my own blog. Can’t support something like that enough, right?


    • transplantednorth says :

      sure you can mention it, or you can share this post and it has the link to the program. thanks, Nicole.


  3. Nicole Brait says :

    I’ll write a post mentioning the program and that I read about it here.


  4. Nicole Brait says :

    Do you have a link to the bag? I can’t find it on the sakroots web site or The Nature Conservancy’s site. Maybe it’s only in stores.


  5. mom says :

    I think is says Spring. Your the one using it Enjoy I love it!!!! Everyone is entitled to there personal taste. Make sure you bring it when you visit


  6. Munira says :

    I think your bag is cool. Nice choice!


  7. hotaru says :

    I LOVE Sakroots! I love the artsy patterns and everything! and your bag is AMAZING!


    • transplantednorth says :

      why thank you and thanks for stopping by. Would you like to read about more sustainable products on my blog?


  8. transplantednorth says :

    thanks, and happy spring shopping everyone. Let’s tune into the website, plant a billion trees and see how this project progresses.


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